

small     grow     slow     float     outside

Review these old words:
because     school     more     wrong     few    

Practice transferring what you know about the new words to other words.  If you can spell "grow" and "slow" then you can spell "snow", "show", "blow"...

We will have a sentence on the test again. 
Look at all the huge pumpkins! 


We had so much fun with chapter 4 so far.  We will finish it this week.  We will continue to survey, tally, graph results, and discuss probability of events.  Our test over this chapter is Wed.  We will do some work on reviewing of the first four chapters on Thurs. and Friday.  We always play a game on Fridays.  Here is a hint to our new game:  it involves the vocabulary we have practiced. 

survey, tally marks, data, pictograph, bar graph, grid, ordered pair, more likely, less likely, equally likely, certain, probable, impossible, predict, outcome,

A Look Ahead...

*Thurs., Oct. 14- Muffins for Moms
* Fri., Oct. 22- SHS marching owls perform for Redding
                        Report cards come home
* Thurs., Oct. 21- Bus safety talk
* Friday, Oct. 29- Fall Harvest Party @ 2:30
                             Redding Fall Festival
* Tues., Nov. 2- Next PTO meeting (join me!)
*Sat., Nov. 6- Jump Rope for Heart at SMS.  Redding jumps at 1:00
* Thurs., Nov. 11-  Redding Talent Show

Week of October 4-8

We are going to learn a lot about apples this week. We will integrate apples in  reading, math, science,and writing. 

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The story we will use from the basal reader is "Johnny Appleseed", pages 286-305.  Read it at home!
Know the new vocabulary words:  orchards, frontier, pioneers, survive, tame.  You should know what these mean and how to read them, not how to spell them. 
We will also read many other stories about apples, including  newspapers about apples and apple poetry!