Week of October 4-8

We are going to learn a lot about apples this week. We will integrate apples in  reading, math, science,and writing. 

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The story we will use from the basal reader is "Johnny Appleseed", pages 286-305.  Read it at home!
Know the new vocabulary words:  orchards, frontier, pioneers, survive, tame.  You should know what these mean and how to read them, not how to spell them. 
We will also read many other stories about apples, including  newspapers about apples and apple poetry!


New words this week:                           Review words this week:
here                                                          people
shook                                                       about
why                                                           little
school                                                       wrong
tell                                                            I

We will also add a sentence to the test this week.  I will dictate the sentence and the children
will write it.
Why did the four deer seem tame?


I have noticed that some of the writing looks like there is more concern with writing a lot and not enough care taken to having a beginning, (topic sentence), middle, (lots of details), and  a clear ending, (conclusion).  We will work on some shorter pieces of writing this week with a focus on these elements. 

Writing is like a sandwich.  You need the buns (topic and conclusion) and the good stuff (details) to make it complete!


We are still wonking on Chapter 4, which is Data, Graphing, and Probability.  We will continue to take surveys and record our data.  We will make bar graphs this week.  We will also plot points on a coordinate graph and begin to learn a little about probability. 

Wow!  Did you notice all the new math vocabulary words we will learn this week!!

Olivia helped us learn a new place value game last week.

Leo and Brady had fun playing the game.


It's all about apples!  We will continue learning about plants, with a focus on the apple.  From seed, to plant, to delicious fruit, an apple has a lot to teach us.