
We have learned 30 words this year.  This week we will review all 30 of the old words.  On Wednesday we will take a 20 word review test.  You can study all the words that are in your agenda.  You know I will pick any 20 of them.  It is important to remember how to spell them all. 

Weekly News for September 27-29

Remember this is only a three day week!  I am looking forward to meeting with parents on Thursday, Sept. 30.  You will get to see the math journals, reading and writing notebooks, and our classroom.  We will also discuss grades and behavior. 


For Reading this week we will read a variety of materials.  We will read poems, newspapers, books from the library, and try  the SRA reading program.  We will also work on making good book reports.

Here is a scarecrow poem to read at home for fun:

                                                     We're the farmer' s scarecrows                         

                                                       We scare away the birds,

                                                       We keep the farmer's corn safe

                                                      Without any words.

                                                      But when Halloween comes

                                                     We jump out of the ground

                                                    And we scare the boys and girls

                                                   When they come walking 'round.                  

Have fun at the Oktoberfest!!


We will begin chapter 4- Data, Graphing, and Probability.  We take surveys daily, so this will help us in this chapter.  We will concentrate on turning our data into graphs.

On Friday we played a fun game with dice and practicing place value.


Wow!  My class is doing great things in writing.  We worked on letters and even impressed Mrs. Colglazier with our letters.  We worked on informative writing.  This week we will work on short informational paragraphs.  We will use what we know about animals and plants.

Olivia wrote a nice story about school.  


Now we are studying plants.  We will observe how plants grow and change. We will learn about the parts of plants and their jobs for the plant.